Creativity Class Recap and Portfolio
This is a recap and portfolio of my cumulative work from the quarter through the lens of Creativity and Right Livelihood class. It's quite long and image-heavy, and I make no guarantees that you will find it interesting unless your name is Taj or Candace. :)
Some of the led journaling in class was quite interesting... During the first intensive, we were asked what our purpose was. This is what I wrote in this blog about that exercise:
My very first ever video:
And my second, where I went with my off-the-cuff idea of trading voices and I think it went fantastically well:
And my third, where Ryan and I really went for it in two ways: both in the audio and video editing, but also in wandering around Seattle and asking random people on the street the key question:
And then, our rapid-fire video from the December intensive class time. This was made by my team of 5 people within 90 minutes from concept to final edit. The whiteboard-animation idea was another just-go-with-it off-the-cuff idea of mine. I'm getting to like those ideas... (Go away, VOJ!)
Then finally, our team's video combined with the other 6 of Gandhi's Seven Sins to make our full class rapid-fire video, on which I did the final edit:
DLM class also got me blogging again on a regular basis for the first time in a very long time. Here's a screenshot of my carbon management blog, Carbontastic:
Finding content, playing with the design (which I didn't create, but I did tweak a fair bit), and simply WRITING on such a regular basis, was certainly a creative process. I hope to be able to continue it moving forward even though it's no longer a course requirement.
This is the 5-line self-portrait I did for the Symphony chapter of the Daniel Pink book.
This is the photo of "my tree" that I took after my tree meditation. I had never really given this tree a second glance before, and now I say hi every time I walk by it. I even introduced Lyle to it last weekend.
My metaphor poem, started and finished by me, but otherwise AMAZINGLY created for me by my team, who barely knew me at the time...
A veritable harvest of creativity. Makes me feel like I really did stuff this quarter. :)
Some of the led journaling in class was quite interesting... During the first intensive, we were asked what our purpose was. This is what I wrote in this blog about that exercise:
Last weekend at intensive, we did a journaling exercise in Creativity and Right Livelihood class. We built up through the questions, "What do I consider my personal identity?" and "What are my core competencies?" to the ultimate question of, "What is my purpose?" Yes, that general. Purpose. By the time I go to that question, I knew exactly what to write, so I quickly wrote down my response and shut my notebook.During the second intensive, we were asked what our life work was.
"My purpose in life is to learn and to share."Simple as that. Funny, though... It only occurred to me the next day that this is exactly why I love Twitter so much. It's one giant conversation, all about learning and sharing. At least it is the way I use it most of the time. I mine it for links and retweet what I find interesting. I only wish I could be more judicious about who I follow...
What is my life work? Isn’t this the same as the purpose exercise last month? That was to learn and share. Life work feels the same. What joy or pleasure do I bring? I bring humor and wonder and interest. What is my passion? Lots of things, but mostly learning. All of my hobbies involve learning and creating and sharing. Not shocking. What brings me pleasure or joy? Helping others and sharing what I know. ...
It can be easier to attribute to ourselves a negative identity, rather than acknowledging that maybe the system itself is the negative attribute. (Taj wasn’t dumb, the educational system was racist.) I don’t not belong, I just hadn’t found the right community where I did. I found other communities where I did. CTY, BGI, etc…My DLM class, Using the Social Web for Social Change, challenged me into a whole new world of creative video-making...
My very first ever video:
And my second, where I went with my off-the-cuff idea of trading voices and I think it went fantastically well:
And my third, where Ryan and I really went for it in two ways: both in the audio and video editing, but also in wandering around Seattle and asking random people on the street the key question:
And then, our rapid-fire video from the December intensive class time. This was made by my team of 5 people within 90 minutes from concept to final edit. The whiteboard-animation idea was another just-go-with-it off-the-cuff idea of mine. I'm getting to like those ideas... (Go away, VOJ!)
Then finally, our team's video combined with the other 6 of Gandhi's Seven Sins to make our full class rapid-fire video, on which I did the final edit:
DLM class also got me blogging again on a regular basis for the first time in a very long time. Here's a screenshot of my carbon management blog, Carbontastic:
Finding content, playing with the design (which I didn't create, but I did tweak a fair bit), and simply WRITING on such a regular basis, was certainly a creative process. I hope to be able to continue it moving forward even though it's no longer a course requirement.
This is the 5-line self-portrait I did for the Symphony chapter of the Daniel Pink book.
On a quest for posterboard for a classmate at the December intensive, Miriam and I decided to go back to kindergarten and go nuts with glitter glue and macaroni. It was an incredibly fun and relaxing way to spend the better part of Friday night at intensive. We talked about play and symphony and had a blast. This is the result of our work:
This is the photo of "my tree" that I took after my tree meditation. I had never really given this tree a second glance before, and now I say hi every time I walk by it. I even introduced Lyle to it last weekend.
My metaphor poem, started and finished by me, but otherwise AMAZINGLY created for me by my team, who barely knew me at the time...
I am a ball of yarnAnd finally, my haikus from the haiku forum. From September:
sometimes tangled
always connected
unraveled at first
and slowly, patiently
knit together by
loving fingers, soft
clack of needles
and out of nothing appears
warmth, comfort
fuzzy cat snugglesAnd from October:
protects my feet from the cold
much cuter than socks
Canada harvestsI didn't end up making 3 kinds of pie, though I usually do... too much homework this time around. Alas! It was still delicious.
Six weeks before the US
Happy Thanksgiving!
Turkey with gravy
Yams, kale, stuffing, cranberries
And three kinds of pie
A veritable harvest of creativity. Makes me feel like I really did stuff this quarter. :)
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