Grown Up Digital

Saw this book in a bookstore just now. I suppose the fact that I'm blogging about it from my iPhone still inside the bookstore pegs me as part of the Net Gen the book is about. I wonder how much I (and my classmates) would actually relate to this book, and how much it would frustrate us. My gut wants to say, "What does some old researcher know about us?!" hmm... Has anyone read it or anything about it?

1 Response to "Grown Up Digital"

  1. Unknown says:
    October 21, 2009 at 12:32 AM

    It's now on my list!

    I do think we are a part of this net generation, but I really wonder about the next generation: our kids. Several new parents I know have been blogging about their children SINCE BIRTH. How does that child control their personal brand in 15-20 years? Where should we draw the line? Is it okay to set up a Facebook profile for your infant?

    It's so easy to update your life online, even while you're out there living it (ahem, posting from bookstore). Is this a good thing or not?

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