catching up...
Playing catchup in CRL this week, plus trying to stay on top of blog posts. Decided to change my resident expert project for Marketing at the last minute to carbon neutrality as a marketing tactic, to align with Beat Blog and professional work. The idea is that it should be easier... in reality it might actually take me longer because I'll be invested and more interested, but at least what I learn will be useful and relevant to me.
Emailed Taj tonight about using this blog as a medium for my CRL portfolio... we'll see what she says. I think it would be a great experiment in how to use the learning journal blog concept across various classes and types of assignments.
Looking forward to the quarter wrapping up. Started my final to-do list and named the file "pass the quarter.doc". Heh. It's been a (mostly) awesome quarter content-wise, but a break will be welcome and a fresh start in January won't hurt either.
Emailed Taj tonight about using this blog as a medium for my CRL portfolio... we'll see what she says. I think it would be a great experiment in how to use the learning journal blog concept across various classes and types of assignments.
Looking forward to the quarter wrapping up. Started my final to-do list and named the file "pass the quarter.doc". Heh. It's been a (mostly) awesome quarter content-wise, but a break will be welcome and a fresh start in January won't hurt either.
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